Medical School Interviews, Part IV: MMI

This is part 4 of our 5-part series on medical school interviews. Learn more about multiple mini-interviews (MMI), which have applicants rotate through a series of six to 10 stations manned by different interviewers, each of which takes about 10 minutes to complete. These stations are intended to assess characteristics including communication, problem-solving skills, teamwork, ethical values, and judgment.

Medical School Interviews: Overview

In this overview, we’ll walk you through the various kinds of interviews you may be asked to complete as you proceed through the medical school application process. Find out the purpose of each type of interview, as well as typical timing and recommended preparation.

New Features in the 2024 AMCAS Application

The AMCAS 2023-24 application cycle will open on May 2, and will open for submission on Tuesday, May 30. Learn more about the new features for the 2023-24 application cycle, along with their significance.

Trends in MD Medical School Admissions

In recent years, the number of people applying to med school has reached an unprecedented high, but enrollment numbers have increased too. Read our detailed analysis of trends in medical school admissions over the past few years, including the makeup of applicant and matriculant pools by gender, race and ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

The Most Popular Dual MD Degrees

Pursuing a dual MD degree is time-consuming and can be expensive, but for students with specialized career goals, it might be the best option. Here, we walk you through three of the most common degrees to earn alongside an MD: a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), an MPH (Master of Public Health), and an MBA (Master of Business Administration). Learn more about these dual degree programs, which offer physicians multi-faceted insights to face pressing healthcare challenges.

Medical School Interviews: Overview

In this overview, we’ll walk you through the various kinds of interviews you may be asked to complete as you proceed through the medical school application process. Find out the purpose of each type of interview, as well as typical timing and recommended preparation.

Medical School Interviews: MMI

This is part 4 of our 5-part series on medical school interviews. Learn more about multiple mini-interviews (MMI), which have applicants rotate through a series of six to 10 stations manned by different interviewers, each of which takes about 10 minutes to complete. These stations are intended to assess characteristics including communication, problem-solving skills, teamwork, ethical values, and judgment.

Medical School Application Platforms and Their Essays

The three US-based medical school application platforms are AMCAS, which is for MD (allopathic) programs; AACOMAS, which is for DO (osteopathic) programs; and TMDSAS, which is Texas’s own, special system for (mostly public) MD and DO programs. Each platform has different deadlines and essay requirements, so keeping track of which you’re applying through is key!

What Mission Statements Reveal About Medical Schools

Med school mission statements, which are carefully constructed descriptions of their values and approaches, can help you distinguish unique philosophies among programs. Spending time parsing the mission statement of each school will help you choose among schools and aid in composing your application materials later on.

MCAT Part III: The Impact on Your Med School Application Timetable

The third installment of a three part series on all you've ever wanted to know about the MCAT! Read Part 3 to learn more about the ideal timeline for taking the MCAT and factors to consider in deciding whether to retake the test.

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