Osteopathic Medical Degree

The Value of a DO Degree in Osteopathic Medicine

Find out more about the DO (Doctor of Osteopathic) degree offered by osteopathic medical schools and if this path could be right for you. Examine the differences and similarities between the MD (Doctor of Medicine) program offered by traditional allopathic medical schools and DO programs.

Trends in Osteopathic (DO) Medical School Admissions

As with MD programs, the number of applications to DO programs has soared in recent years, and enrollment has shot up correspondingly. Read our detailed analysis of recent trends in osteopathic medical school admissions, including the growing numbers of practicing osteopathic physicians over the years by age, gender, and specialty fields.

Medical School Application Platforms and Their Essays

The three US-based medical school application platforms are AMCAS, which is for MD (allopathic) programs; AACOMAS, which is for DO (osteopathic) programs; and TMDSAS, which is Texas’s own, special system for (mostly public) MD and DO programs. Each platform has different deadlines and essay requirements, so keeping track of which you’re applying through is key!

The Value of a DO Degree in Osteopathic Medicine

Find out more about the DO (Doctor of Osteopathic) degree offered by osteopathic medical schools and if this path could be right for you. Examine the differences and similarities between the MD (Doctor of Medicine) program offered by traditional allopathic medical schools and DO programs.

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