Osteopathic Medicine

The Value of a DO Degree in Osteopathic Medicine

Find out more about the DO (Doctor of Osteopathic) degree offered by osteopathic medical schools and if this path could be right for you. Examine the differences and similarities between the MD (Doctor of Medicine) program offered by traditional allopathic medical schools and DO programs.

The Value of a DO Degree in Osteopathic Medicine

Find out more about the DO (Doctor of Osteopathic) degree offered by osteopathic medical schools and if this path could be right for you. Examine the differences and similarities between the MD (Doctor of Medicine) program offered by traditional allopathic medical schools and DO programs.

Osteopathic Medicine: The DO Degree

There are a variety of paths to practicing medicine, and an alternative route to the MD (Doctor of Medicine) degree offered by traditional “allopathic” medical schools is the DO (Doctor of Osteopathic) degree offered by “osteopathic” medical schools. Over recent years, there has been a boom in the number of ...

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