Medical School Application Plans

The Value of a DO Degree in Osteopathic Medicine

Find out more about the DO (Doctor of Osteopathic) degree offered by osteopathic medical schools and if this path could be right for you. Examine the differences and similarities between the MD (Doctor of Medicine) program offered by traditional allopathic medical schools and DO programs.

When Is the Best Time to Take the MCAT?

Explore the various factors to consider in planning when to take the MCAT, and how this decision affects when you’ll be able to start med school. We discuss the impact that your MCAT score has on determining your med school list and application timetable. Also, if you retake the MCAT, how do med schools view multiple scores?

What Makes a Successful Baccalaureate/MD Candidate? Part II: A Closer Look at a Selection of Baccalaureate/MD Programs

In Part II of our 3-part series, we provide case studies of several leading baccalaureate/MD programs, regarding admissions requirements and academic features. Watch for Part III, in which we share our knowledge of successful applicants to these combined programs.

What Makes a Successful Baccalaureate/MD Candidate? Part III: Characteristics of a Successful Baccalaureate/MD Candidate

In Part III of our 3-part series, we share our knowledge and experience of characteristics of successful applicants to baccalaureate/MD programs, including coursework, clinical experience, research, shadowing, volunteer experience, and motivation for a career in medicine.

Trends in Osteopathic (DO) Medical School Admissions

As with MD programs, the number of applications to DO programs has soared in recent years, and enrollment has shot up correspondingly. Read our detailed analysis of recent trends in osteopathic medical school admissions, including the growing numbers of practicing osteopathic physicians over the years by age, gender, and specialty fields.

New Features in the 2024 AMCAS Application

The AMCAS 2023-24 application cycle will open on May 2, and will open for submission on Tuesday, May 30. Learn more about the new features for the 2023-24 application cycle, along with their significance.

Med School Activity Essays for Different Application Platforms

Find out the different requirements for the Activity Essays for each of the three med school application platforms (AMCAS, AACOMAS, & TMDSAS), including the number of activities you can describe, the length of each description, and the categories you can choose from. Read our tips for crafting excellent Activity Essays, which include both science-related extracurriculars and additional activities that provide opportunities for leadership, teamwork, and community service.

Med School Personal Statements for Different Application Platforms

Set yourself apart from other med school applicants through a compelling, well-written Personal Statement that captures your journey to a career in medicine. Whether you are applying through AMCAS, AACOMAS, and/or TMDSAS, we outline each platform's expectations for the Personal Statement, and share our tips for crafting a unique essay.

Medical Schools’ Varied Update Letter Policies

Find out everything you need to know about whether or not to send a medical school update letter, if allowed by the med school, including the timing, content, length, number, and how the letter should be delivered!

The Most Popular Dual MD Degrees

Pursuing a dual MD degree is time-consuming and can be expensive, but for students with specialized career goals, it might be the best option. Here, we walk you through three of the most common degrees to earn alongside an MD: a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), an MPH (Master of Public Health), and an MBA (Master of Business Administration). Learn more about these dual degree programs, which offer physicians multi-faceted insights to face pressing healthcare challenges.

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