
College Interviews

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about college interviews, including the role they play in the admissions process, changing college policies, how to prepare, and tips for interview day.

Early Admissions for the Class of 2028: Part II: Diversity

Take a closer look at stats released for this early college application cycle versus the past two years, and how schools will continue to pursue diversity in forming their incoming classes, despite the Supreme Court ruling on race-conscious admissions policies.

College Waitlists: What are Your Chances of Being Accepted?

Waitlisted and not sure what to do next? Read our tips for analyzing your waitlist chances and follow our next steps to demonstrate your continued interest!

College Interviews

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about college interviews, including the role they play in the admissions process, changing college policies, how to prepare, and tips for interview day.

What are Your Chances of Getting off the Waitlist?

Waitlisted and not sure what to do next? Read our tips for analyzing your waitlist chances and follow our next steps to demonstrate your continued interest!

Another Year of Record-Breaking College Applications!

After last year’s admissions cycle shattered application records at many selective schools, it is incredible that this year, many colleges saw steady or increasing applications again! We take an in-depth look at how rising applications affects college admissions and what this means for future applicants.

Rise in Applications at Selective Schools

The pandemic created the perfect storm for college applications to explode at highly-selective schools. What does this mean for the Class of 2025 and what should you do to improve your chances of admission?

Early Admissions Trends for the Class of 2025

During this unprecedented pandemic, applying early to colleges has had its challenges. From SAT and ACT test cancellations to the reduced ability to visit colleges in person, early admissions have been different this year. Nevertheless, students have pressed onward and submitted their early apps. Whatever your early admissions outcomes, it ...

Regular Admissions Trends for the Class of 2023: A Look Back to Help You Plan Ahead!

If you are in the midst of planning for your early and regular applications, a look back on last year’s college admissions cycle could provide helpful insights to keep in mind as you delve into the college admissions process. As a follow-up to our previous blog on Early Admissions Trends for ...

Early Admissions Trends for the Class of 2023

As the pool of applicants increases and schools continue to expand admissions options, applying early has become a game of strategic calculations and daunting choices for students. This year alone, many schools saw sharp increases in early applications and most schools experienced a drop in admit rates. By now, students have ...

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