College Academics

Behind the Scenes of America’s Top Art Programs, Part VI: Ivy League Deep Dive

This is the sixth post of a 10-part series on "Behind the Scenes of America's Top Undergraduate Art Programs." We now turn to arts programs at a university and focus on the Ivies, where you can study art within a rigorous liberal arts education. We spotlight the arts programs at Yale and Princeton.

Behind the Scenes of America’s Top Art Programs, Part V: A Deep Dive of the Country’s Top Art Schools (Outside of NYC)

This is the fifth post of a 10-part series on "Behind the Scenes of America's Top Undergraduate Art Programs." We explore top art schools outside of NYC, consider how all the art schools compare, and provide a spotlight of Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC).

Behind the Scenes of America’s Top Art Programs, Part IV: The New York Art School Experience

This is the fourth post of a 10-part series on "Behind the Scenes of America's Top Undergraduate Art Programs." We dive into the New York City art school experience and consider the pros and cons of attending an art program in NYC. We’ll also highlight the program at the School of Visual Arts (SVA).

Behind the Scenes of America’s Top Art Programs: Introduction to the Series

This is the first post of a 10-part series on "Behind the Scenes of America's Top Undergraduate Art Programs." The series will provide an overview of features that differentiate art programs, discuss whether an art school or art major is right for you, provide a deep dive into the variety of art programs around the country, and discuss the admissions process.

The ABCs of Secondary School Curricula: Advanced Placement (AP)

Read our overview of the AP program, which can help navigate its complexities and explore its potential benefits. Find out how you can use AP scores to distinguish yourself from other applicants, for advanced placement (skipping over entry-level courses), for college credit, for the satisfaction of distribution requirements, and/or for early graduation, depending on the school.

The Role of Grades in College Admissions

Colleges view your academic performance in high school as the strongest predictor of your academic success in college. Find out which grades matter the most and why colleges weigh them so heavily in assessing your application. Read our tips for optimizing your academic coursework in high school as a foundation for successful college admissions.

Five Reasons to Consider a Public University Honors College

A public university’s honors college can offer smaller class sizes, a close-knit community, and access to top research opportunities. You can also experience a campus with loads of school spirit, big-time sports, and vibrant Greek life. Find out five great reasons to apply to these unique programs!

6 Qs with Sheng Bai

Get to know Sheng Bai, a sophomore at the University of Michigan, who is majoring in biomedical engineering. Talking to students who attend the colleges on your list can help you decide if a particular school offers all of the opportunities that you are looking for!

Pre-Meds: How to Choose Your Major and Minor

As a prospective medical student, you will have many requirements on your plate. But your major and minor are up to you! We’ll walk you through factors to consider when selecting your college major and minor. Believe it or not, biology is not your only option!

6 Qs with Professor Mitchell Zandes

Meet Professor Mitchell Zandes, an adjunct professor at New York University (NYU), where he teaches an introductory course in nutrition to undergraduate students. Researching professors on your college list can help you decide if this school offers all of the opportunities that you are looking for!

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