high school curriculum

What is a High School Profile and What Role Does It Play in College Admissions?

When your college application is considered, your transcript is evaluated side-by-side with your high school profile. This blog post will discuss the information included in the profiles, including GPA, grade and test score distribution, rigor of curriculum, and special programs. To illustrate how this information is shared, we will draw from the examples of five school profiles at public and private secondary schools.

The Role of Grades in College Admissions

Colleges view your academic performance in high school as the strongest predictor of your academic success in college. Find out which grades matter the most and why colleges weigh them so heavily in assessing your application. Read our tips for optimizing your academic coursework in high school as a foundation for successful college admissions.

The ABCs of Secondary School Curricula: International Baccalaureate (IB) Program

Read our overview of the IB program, which can help navigate its complexities and explore its potential benefits. Find out how you can use IB exam scores to distinguish yourself from other applicants, for advanced placement (skipping over entry-level courses), or for college credit. Also, how does an IB program compare to AP courses?

The ABCs of Secondary School Curricula: Advanced Placement (AP)

Read our overview of the AP program, which can help navigate its complexities and explore its potential benefits. Find out how you can use AP scores to distinguish yourself from other applicants, for advanced placement (skipping over entry-level courses), for college credit, for the satisfaction of distribution requirements, and/or for early graduation, depending on the school.

What is a High School Profile and What Role Does it Play in College Admissions?

When your college application is considered, your transcript is evaluated side-by-side with your high school profile. This blog post will discuss the information included in the profiles, including GPA, grade and test score distribution, rigor of curriculum, and special programs. To illustrate how this information is shared, we will draw from the examples of five school profiles at public and private secondary schools.

The Role of Grades in College Admissions

Colleges view your academic performance in high school as the strongest predictor of your academic success in college. Find out which grades matter the most and why colleges weigh them so heavily in assessing your application. Read our tips for optimizing your academic coursework in high school as a foundation for successful college admissions.

Sequential Electives in High School

Plan your high school curriculum to make the most of the courses offered and research whether your school has sequential course pathways in research, business, technology, the arts, or politics and global studies. Learn more about the sequential electives private and public high schools have to offer!

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