high school curriculum

The Role of Grades in College Admissions

Colleges view your academic performance in high school as the strongest predictor of your academic success in college. Find out which grades matter the most and why colleges weigh them so heavily in assessing your application. Read our tips for optimizing your academic coursework in high school as a foundation for successful college admissions.

The Role of Grades in College Admissions

Colleges view your academic performance in high school as the strongest predictor of your academic success in college. Find out which grades matter the most and why colleges weigh them so heavily in assessing your application. Read our tips for optimizing your academic coursework in high school as a foundation for successful college admissions.

Sequential Electives in High School

Plan your high school curriculum to make the most of the courses offered and research whether your school has sequential course pathways in research, business, technology, the arts, or politics and global studies. Learn more about the sequential electives private and public high schools have to offer!

The Role of Grades in College Admissions

Your grades throughout high school remain the most important factor in college admissions.  While colleges also look carefully at your standardized test scores, essays, recommendations, and other personal factors, they view your academic performance in high school as the strongest predictor of your academic success in college. Covid-19 has changed ...

What is a High School Profile and What Role Does it Play in College Admissions?

College admissions staff always view your transcript within the context of your high school. Colleges recognize that schools vary greatly. As Northwestern states, “Every secondary school is different in its level of competitiveness and in the range of courses offered. These factors are also considered when admission decisions are rendered." ...

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